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plastic free july

As more and more people come to terms with the fact that planet earth needs HELP, they are searching for resources and a community of like-minded people. With so many terms (low waste living, zero waste living, sustainable living, eco-friendly living, slow living) it's hard to know where to start! Well, if you're one of those people you're just in time, because it’s Plastic Free July! 🥤🚫

What is Plastic Free July? It’s a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. Plastic Free July (also @plasticfreejuly on Instagram) was started by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz (founder of Plastic Free Foundation) in 2011 to spread awareness of reducing and re-imagining a world without single-use plastics.

You can sign up to take the challenge by clicking here! Join a community of over 250 MILLION people in 177 countries working together to reduce their plastic usage and make the earth a healthier place. You can commit to either a day, week, or month, whatever you can do makes a difference! The goal is to to not use any single-use plastics for the month of July, but hopefully these new habits become ones that last forever.

"Since participating in Plastic Free July I am constantly thinking of ways to reduce my plastic packaging. I have used my own reusable shopping bags for years, but now I take my own containers to buy meat and cheese and I try to purchase in bulk."

- Wilma, Australia

Think about it. Why would you make something that you’re going to use for a few minutes out of a material that’s basically going to last forever, and then just throw it away? What’s up with that?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Make coffee at home or bring a reusable cup

  • BYO reusable bag to the grocery store

  • Don’t buy pre-cut fruit in plastic containers, get whole fruit and cut it up at home

  • Use an all-metal razor

  • Use a reusable water bottle

  • Try out a shampoo and/or conditioner bar

  • Buy a bamboo toothbrush

  • Opt for glass or paper packaging over plastic

Hopefully this was a simple guide to starting your low waste journey! No get out there and save a tree.


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